RELEASE PREFERENCE Choosing Your Release Preference is Your Responsibility
The factors that determine the release setting on your ski bindings include your height, weight, age, boot sole length, and your personal release preference. You are responsible for determining your own release preference based upon the chart below and for informing the ski shop technician of your preference. Your ski shop technician cannot make this determination for you. Be sure to provide accurate information regarding your height, weight, age and personal release preference. Errors may increase your risk of injury.
Type I: Entry-level skiers who are uncertain of their preference. Entry-level skiers and skiers who designate themselves as Type I receive lower than average ski binding release settings. This corresponds to easier ski binding release in a fall.
Type II: Most skiers are satisfied with a Type II setting. Skiers who designate themselves as Type II receive average ski binding release settings appropriate for most recreational skiing.
Type III: Skiers who designate themselves as Type III receive higher than average release settings. This corresponds to decreased risk of inadvertent binding release and increased risk of non-release. This classification is not recommended for skiers 47 lbs. (21 kg) and under.
If from experience, you have been dissatisfied with the release settings that result from your release preference, mention this to your binding ski shop technician.